Translation ToS


1) Uploading my translation(s) as text to another site must be permitted via my email beforehand under any circumstances. This includes sites like VocaloidLyrics wikia and Anime Lyrics dot Com, or even your own.

2) Using a subtitled video which includes my translation(s) is okay, so long as correct credit is given; it is typically Karasuhana for translating, MsCetozoa for subtitling (unless stated otherwise). If credit isn’t given, I will privately ask you to do so or comment on the video.

3) When using my translation(s) for a video, please refrain from putting mine and another person’s together. I feel this will completely warp the original song’s meaning and I’d be left feeling responsible for that if I didn’t take care to do otherwise.

4) Using my translation(s) to create singable lyrics is fine so long as credit is given. See rule 2. Please note that when you link me your video in any comments section, YouTube holds it as spam; it’d be simpler to send me your covers and such via email.

5) Making a translation for another language such as German and/or Spanish using my translation is okay; however it is not recommended. Please bear in mind my translations are fanmade contributions and are not official.

6) Please do not use my translations to sub any NSFW works - more specifically, content with sexual themes rather than content with violence/blood (given the themes of some of the songs I translate, this is unavoidable).






I am able to translate other producer's songs completely for free (Japanese to English). If you have any requests, please find me using the contact links within this site.

If you would like lyrics to your own song translated from English to Japanese, I can do so starting at £2 and ending at £5 for the length of your song. We can discuss the prices further via DM.


Disclaimer: I do not gain, nor have I ever gained, ad-revenue from my subtitled videos on YouTube. When subtitled videos are monetized, it's due to the producer's label/company claiming revenue rather than taking down my video. Thank you for your understanding.