
来る日も来る日も次の日も 幸せであると思っていた
僕の淡い景色が 狂い始めた時

For the days that kept on coming and the days after, I thought I was happy
but the fleeting scenes around me had started sending me crazy.

僕はただ見つめてた 君の名を呼び続けて

I just watched on, continuing to call out your name.

君への想いは 果てしない ラビリンス

These impulses rush around inside me repeatedly;
my feelings for you are an endless labyrinth.

もしも願いが叶うならば 帰りたいあの時に

If wishes do come true, then I want to go back to that time.

降りしきる雨に 心の中 渇ききるまで
僕はただ歌う 雨傘はいらないよ

Until rain incessantly falls within my thirsty heart
I'll just sing, not needing an umbrella.

君への想いは 限りない ラビリンス

These impulses rush around inside me repeatedly;
my feelings for you are an eternal labyrinth.